Does the Co-operatives Helps the Rural Development in India?

Does the Co-operatives Helps the Rural Development in India?

Sujith.T.S 1, Dr.M.Sumathy 2

Ph.D. Research Scholar, School of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract : In India, the co-operative movement has played an important role in meeting the developmental needs of the rural poor. Co-operatives are the organisation that help the individuals harness the power of collective bargaining in order to protect the financial interests of the impoverished and underrepresented in society. In India co-operative credit structure is three-tiered, with State Cooperative Banks (SCB) at the top of the each state, Central Co-operative Banks in the middle or central level, and Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACS) at the bottom level. Each of these institutions focuses on the development of their area of operation and performs distinct purpose for the purpose of the upliftment of the members of co-operatives. The present study discuss the role of co-operative societies in the rural development of our country.

Keyword : Co-operation, Rural Development, PACSs

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